The Hidden Dangers of Leaving Tree Stumps in Your Yard

Janice Seril • September 6, 2023

Those little tree stumps are big trouble waiting to happen. Get rid of them, now!

You see that big chunk of wood sticking out in your yard where a majestic tree once stood? That's a tree stump. You may want to give it a new lease on life and try 1001 creative ways to make it useful and beautiful but this seemingly unassuming object that you want to put to good use simply has to go.

Aside from the obvious fact that tree stumps practically ruin the aesthetics of your yard because they are downright ugly, they are also a real threat that puts not just you but also your entire property in grave danger.

Today, I will uncover the hidden dangers that tree stumps hold and why you need to get rid of them, pronto! I will also discuss the ONLY effective way to get rid of tree stumps for good.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab a cold one and let's jump right to it.

Small But Terrible Troublemakers

Nothing ruins a perfectly fine day outdoors than an unexpected trip to the emergency room. Yes, mate, that's exactly what's gonna happen when you leave those tree stumps in your yard.

Tree stumps are a dreadful safety hazard to anyone, young and old. They are just there, begging for you to trip or stub your toe on them. One wrong step can lead to a nasty fall and even nastier injuries, especially for kids

And if that's not horrific enough for you, imagine getting your own foot punctured on a protrusion from a tree stump. Trust us, you wouldn't want to call your boss and explain that you couldn't come to work because you impaled your foot on a tree stump.

Mowing your yard can also be a real pain in the neck when you have a tree stump around. If you're not careful enough and you accidentally ram your lawnmower on that pesky tree stump, you'll end up with a triple whammy of damaging your lawnmower, getting a trip to the hospital for injuring yourself, and inundating yourself with unexpected additional expenses.

The Environment Doesn't Like Tree Stumps Either

Tree stumps are the "undead" in the plant kingdom, or at least your yard. They may not run amok like those zombies you watch on TV but they sure can cause damage and even "infect" the other plants and trees in your garden.

The vegetation in your yard aren't happy to be around a tree stump either. Perhaps, that little voice in your head is protesting, saying, "but that's just a tree stump! What harm can it do to my garden?!"

So, what exactly is the big deal between that tree stump and the vegetation in your yard?

Well, my friend, those pesky little buggers are practically decaying and turning these little garden zombies a pest, bacteria, and fungi magnet. Once the contagion has begun, it's nearly impossible to stop it from spreading and infecting all the plants in your garden. Before you know it, your entire yard could be overrun by mold and decay, making your yard look like a post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Now, put yourself in the position of those plants. Do you want to be seated next to an "infected" person? You and I both know the answer to that question.

Tree Stumps Can Hurt Your Pocket, too!

Let's talk money, shall we? I know, I know, no one is excited to discuss unexpected and additional expenses but trust me when I say this one is really important. Those tree stumps in your yard are costing you more than you realize

When a tree has been cut off, it doesn't just leave a stump behind, but also its massive root system which can continue to grow and damage pipes, driveways, and even your precious home's foundation. I guess I don't have to tell you in detail how expensive those repairs can be and the fact that nobody wants to deal with a cracked foundation or a flooded yard while your mortified neighbours look on as you deal with the mess.

But that's not all. Tree stumps also reduce your property value because they're an eyesore. If you're trying to sell your property, I don't think potential buyers would be delighted to see a fungi-infested tree stump in your yard. How can anyone visualize themselves having a nice barbecue around something ugly and disgusting? Just the mere thought of going anywhere near a pest-ridden stump can make anyone's skin itch.

But... but... but it's expensive to get a tree stump removed and it's too much of a hassle if I do it myself!

Mate, you've read about the unexpected expense you may incur when you or your loved ones get into an accident, or when you need to deal with those expensive repairs. Compare that to the one-time cost you're going pay when you have a tree stump remove then tell me, which one is the more cost-effective choice? Leaving that tree stump alone or getting rid of it for good?

The ONLY Solution

There are two ways you can bid that tree stump adieu:

Option number one: You can do it yourself. You can do all the digging to the roots, chopping the stump to tiny bits... the works! Question is, can you do it on your own? 

I know.

Now that leaves us with the ONLY choice...

Option number 2: Get a real professional to do the job for you. Yes! The power is right at your fingertips! All you need to do is call and hire a trusted local stump removal service provider et voila! Problem solved! Tree stump gone forever, without the mess and unnecessary physical effort on your part. Isn't that easy?

Your local arborists are armed with all the right machinery to deal with that evil undead in your garden so they can remove stump, roots, and all. All that is left is an neat, empty space that you can fill with new plants or do whatever Pinterest-worthy yard updates you can think of.

Final Word

Tree stumps are nothing but a nuisance. They simply do not deserve a space in your yard as they are a safety and environment hazard. Not only can they cause physical harm, whether you stub your toe or trip on them, but they can also hurt your pocket big time. 

Have those unsightly tree stumps removed once and for all by calling Arborist Sunshine Coast! Our team is fully equipped and insured to deal with big trees and pesky little stumps. Call us at  07 5451 8756 and get a free quote!

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